Pubg Lite Without OBB File

Pubg is one of the most played android games around the world. This lite version is much famous than the mobile version because it can adjust on low-quality mobile as well. Many people want Pubg Lite Apk Download Without OBB File. So now you guys can download it from

pubg lite apk download without obb file

pubg lite apk download without obb file

Pubg Lite is the version for low-end devices and the devices which as low Ram and Graphics cards. But it has its own maps and other things which are played by the people who have powerful mobiles as well. It all depends upon the player.

You can add friends from Facebook to make a team of 4 people and fight with enemies better and make the game much more interesting. If you are 4 friends who are not available online still you can play with either of the rest of the members who will be added randomly by the Pubg team.

During the match, you guys can chat with each other, and as well as you can chat with your enemies as well. If they want to chat with you. Moreover, you can mute the particular friend or member who is irritating you. Thus enjoy the game with your friends.

Additional Information

20 February 2022
Varies with device
Current Version
Requires Android
Varies with device
Rating 4+
Category Games
Get it on Play Store



Pubg Lite Apk

Pubg Lite Apk

Fair Gaming Experience

Pubg has made an advanced anti-cheat system soo that no one can get preference or cheat during the game. All the players will be equal and no one has given preference on any base. Thus enjoy equality with the latest technology.


TDM is one of the most loved modes of Pubg Lite because here you can live again and again after shooter by your enemies. In this mode, all you have to do is shoot your enemy and protect yourself from enemy bullets. Each team consists of 4 members. The team that gets 40 kills will be the winner of the game.

TDM further contains different modes and maps. Thus you can change another map on TDM as well. It is a zombies mode as well. you can fight against killing zombies and it will give you the experience of killing real-life zombies.

Make Team

As we have mentioned above that you can make a team by inviting your friends on Pubg lite Apk download without OBB file and make the match much more interesting. Players of the same team can help each other and can give revive and can gifts and health as well. Thus make the game interesting with your friends online.

HD Graphics and Audio

Thumbs up to the developer of Pubg who has made such nice graphics. This will give you the feel of playing real-life games. Graphis are simply outstanding and are full HD. If we talk about the audio and it’s crystal clear. No external noise will distract you while playing the game.


You can easily swim in the water and you can use your gun in the water as well. But it is more important to note that if you stay below the water for a long time your life will be decreased slowly and you will die if you will not come out of the water.


Many of the users have requested to upload Pubg Lite Apk Download Without OBB File. So we have uploaded successfully. Now you do not need to download the OBB file explicitly. I hope you guys will like the game and will share it with your friends as well.